📂 CastleLord GDD

How could this game be produced?

  1. Expanding this GDD with more detailed points.
  2. Gathering a core team of people needed to produce the game
  3. Implementation of the basic mechanics described in GDD for a small demo.
  4. Advertising the product with the help of the university at various fairs.
  5. Finding a sponsor at the fair who will cover production costs.
  6. Announce the production of the game on social media, show a better demo and collect the first feedback.
  7. Release of a playable version of the game on EA on Steam.
  8. Patching bugs and introducing new features to the product.
  9. Release of the full version of the game on Steam.
  10. Further work on the game. Patching bugs and introducing new features in the form of DLC.


Programmer - needed to program the units. Especially the walking mechanics and how they find paths. Without this, the villagers will go crazy and it will ruin the main mechanics of the game.

2D and 3D graphic designer - will create all models in an appropriate style and prepare animations for them.

Project Manager/Game Developer - for a small project it may be one person. It will plan all the mechanics and take care of the balance in the game.

Community Manager - responsible for communication in social media and collecting feedback from players.

Historian - Even though there will be magic in the game, it takes place primarily in the Middle Ages. Thanks to the historian, historical consistency will be ensured when it comes to inventions from this era or various ways of working, such as agriculture.